
**** the receive buffer. When this occurs, the
**** QtmhGetEnv sets the EnvLen to the actual value
**** length without changing the receive buffer.
C EnvLen ifgt maxdataln
C eval Bufin='Data buffer +
C not big enough for +
C available input data.'
C Z-ADD 80 Result
C else
C MOVEL EnvRec BufIn
C MOVEL EnvLen Result
C endif
C endif
**** Read the Environment variable, SERVER_SOFTWARE.
C Z-ADD 15 EnvNameLen
C callb APIGetEnv
C parm EnvRec
C parm EnvRecLen
C parm EnvLen
C parm EnvName
C parm EnvNameLen
C parm QUSEC
C MOVEL EnvRec EnvSSResp
**** Put the data written to standard output in buffer; bufout. ***
* For each line of HTML, move it to BufOut and set the
* output buffer's length(BufOutLn).
C do arrsize i 5 0
* Write out HTTP response and HTML lines.
C i iflt 17
C BufOut cat html(i):0 BufOut
C BufOut cat linefeed:0 BufOut
C endif
* Add the data read from standard input or QUERY_STRING.
C i ifeq 17
D* Add html break to BufOut string written to standard output
D* when input is greater than 79.
C Result dowgt 79
C 80 SUBST BufIn:cnt WORK2
C cat work2:0 BufOut
C cat break:0 BufOut
* For V4R2, the newline after 254 characters is not needed.
C* cat linefeed:0 BufOut
C add 80 cnt
C sub 80 Result
C IF Result > 0
C clear WORK2
C Result SUBST BufIn:cnt WORK2
C cat work2:0 BufOut
C cat break:0 BufOut
* For V4R2, the newline after 254 characters is not needed.
C* cat linefeed:0 BufOut
C endif
* Add the Environment variable header line for REQUEST_METHOD.
C i ifeq 18
C BufOut cat html(i):0 BufOut
C BufOut cat break:0 BufOut
* For V4R2, the newline after 254 characters is not needed.
C* BufOut cat linefeed:0 BufOut
C endif
* Display the Environment variable REQUEST_METHOD.
Chapter 6. Sample programs (in Java, C, and RPG) 103