
Using the EBCDIC_JCD mode: The EBCDIC_JCD mode determines what
character set is being used by the browser for a given request. This mode is also
used to automatically adjust the ASCII/EBCDIC code conversions used by the web
server as the request is processed.
After auto detection, the %%EBCDIC_JCD%% mode converts the stdin and
QUERY_STRING data from the detected network CCSID into the correct EBCDIC
CCSID for Japanese. The default conversions configured for the server instance are
overridden. The DefaultFsCCSID directive or the -fsccsid startup parameter
specifies the default conversions. The startup FsCCSID must be a Japanese CCSID
(5026 or 5035).
The possible detected network code page is Shift JIS, eucJP, and ISO-2022-JP. The
following are the associated CCSIDs for each code page:
Shift JIS (See note 1)
CCSID 932: IBM PC (old JIS sequence, OS/2 J3.X/4.0, IBM Windows J3.1)
CCSID 942: IBM PC (old JIS sequence, OS/2 J3.X/4.0)
CCSID 943: MS Shift JIS (new JIS sequence, OS/2 J4.0
MS Windows J3.1/95/NT)
CCSID 5050: Extended UNIX Code (Japanese)
ISO-2022-JP (See note 2)
CCSID 5052: Subset of RFC 1468 ISO-2022-JP (JIS X 0201 Roman and
JIS X 0208-1983) plus JIS X 0201 Katakana.
CCSID 5054: Subset of RFC 1468 ISO-20220JP (ASCII and JIS X 0208-1983)
plus JIS X 0201 Katakana.
The detected network CCSID is available to the CGI program. The CCSID is stored
in the CGI_ASCII_CCSID environment variable. When JCD can not detect, the
default code conversion is done as configured (between NetCCSID and FsCCSID).
(See note 3.)
Since the code page of Stdin and QUERY_STRING are encoded according to the
web clients outbound code page, we recommend using the following
configuration value combinations when you use the %%EBCDIC_JCD%% mode.
Startup FsCCSID Startup NetCCSID Description
--------------- ---------------- ----------------------
5026/5035 (See note 4) <-> 943 Default: MS Shift JIS
5026/5035 (See note 4) <-> 942 Default: IBM PC
5026/5035 (See note 4) <-> 5052/5054 Default: ISO-2022-JP
Using CCSID 5050(eucJP) for the startup NetCCSID, is not recommended. When
5050 is specified for the startup NetCCSID, the default code conversion is done
between FsCCSID and 5050. This means that if JCD cannot detect a code page, JCD
returns 5050 as the default network CCSID. Most browsers use a default outbound
code page of Shift JIS or ISO-2022-JP, not eucJP.
If the web client sends a charset tag, JCD gives priority to the charset tag. Stdout
function is the same. If the charset/ccsid tag is specified in the Content-Type field,
stdout gives priority to charset/ccsid tag. Stdout also ignores the JCD detected
network CCSID. (See note 5.)
8 Web Programming Guide V4R5