Format for server-side includes
The current date, the size of a file, and the last change of a file are examples of the
kind of information that can be sent to the client. There are commands that need to
be included in the HTML document comments. The commands have the following
<!--#directive tag=value ...-->
<!--#directive tag="value" ...-->
The quotes around value are optional. However, quotes are required for imbedding
Directives for server-side includes
Use the config directive to control certain aspects of file processing. Valid tags
include cmntmsg, errmsg, sizefmt, and timefmt.
cmntmsg — specifies the message appended to the beginning of text: Use this
tag to specify the message that gets appended to the beginning of any text that
follows a directive specification and comes before ″—>″.
<!--#config cmntmsg="[This a comment]"-->
<!--#echo var=" " extra text -->
Result: (Output from the echo) <!—This is comment extra text –>.
Default: [the following was extra in the directive].
errmsg — specify the message sent to the client: Use this tag to specify the
message that is sent to the client if an error occurs when a file is being processed.
The message is logged in the server’s error log.
<!--#config errmsg="[An error occurred]" -->
Default: ″[an error occurred while processing this directive]″.
sizefmt — specify file size format: Use this tag to specify the format used when
displaying the file size. In the following examples, bytes is the value used for a
formatted number of bytes. abbrev displays the number of kilobytes or megabytes.
Example 1:
<!--#config sizefmt = bytes -->
<!--#fsize file=foo.html -->
Result: 1024
Example 2:
<!--#config sizefmt=abbrev -->
<!--#fsize file=foo.html -->
Result: 1K
Default: ″abbrev″
132 Web Programming Guide V4R5