The HP VISUALIZE-48[XP] is a two-board accelerated device that fills two slots. If you add either the
optional texture-mapping memory card or the optional video-out card, it becomes a three-board set that
fills three slots. Add both optional cards, and it becomes a four-board set, but it still fills only three slots.
In any case, it has eight overlay planes, two banks of 24 image planes, and six hardware colormaps. This
device provides a superset of functionality in the CRX-48Z. The hardware support for accelerating 2D
Xlib primitives is similar to that in the other HCRX devices. The hardware for accelerating 3D
geometry, lighting, and shading, is new.
Supported Visuals
The following visuals are supported on the HP VISUALIZE-EG(8):
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
The following visuals are supported on the HCRX-8[Z], HP [Dual] VISUALIZE-EG and HP
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay - (see Note)
supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay Transparent - (see Note)
supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
Note: The two overlay visuals are mutually exclusive, based on the presence of the
EnableOverlayTransparency screen option (i.e., if the EnableOverlayTransparency screen option is set,
then the visual that supports transparency is available, otherwise the visual which does not support
transparency is available).
The following visuals are supported on the HCRX-24[Z] and HP VISUALIZE-24:
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay -
supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
• Class PseudoColor Depth 8 Layer Overlay Transparent –
• supports DBE and MBX software double-buffering
• Class TrueColor Depth 8 Layer Image -
supports DBE and MBX hardware double-buffering
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20