
composed of an optional block specifying device-independent server options followed by one or more
either Screen or Single Logical Screen entries (maximum of four graphics devices).
The minimum X*screens file is a line with the keyword "Screen" followed by a screen device file. For
Screen /dev/crt
Server Options
For more information about server options, or about additional server options, look in an information
file (for example, /usr/lib/X11/Xserver/info/screens/hp).
GraphicsSharedMemorySize <memory_size>
Specify the size of the graphics shared memory region. The size must be specified in bytes and
must be in hexadecimal.
Default value: 0x580000
Environment Variables Replaced: GRM_SIZE, WMSHMSPC.
SMTSizes <size_spec>
The size of the SMT regions (see the Shared Memory Transport section).
Default value: 0,0,0
The Xserver delays loading of some X extensions until the first protocol request to the given
extension is received. Specifying this server option forces all extensions to be loaded at X server
startup. Immediate loading of X extensions is the historical behavior of the HP-UX 10.10 and
10.20 X servers. The 10.20 X Server patches shipped after July, 1997 and all 11.00 versions of
the X Server perform delayed loading of the X extensions.
Screen Entries
The minimum screen entry is a line with the keyword "Screen" followed by a screen device file.
Optional specifications for default visual, monitor size, and device-dependent screen options may follow
this minimal screen description line.
This optional part of the format specifies the default visual that the screen uses. Valid keywords
following the "DefaultVisual" keyword are "Class", "Depth", "Layer", and "Transparent".
If no default visual is specified, then the standard default visual class, depth, layer, and transparency for
the graphics device is used.
Not all default visual specifications will work on all devices.
If there is an error in a specification, look in an information file for more details (for example,
/usr/lib/X11/Xserver/info/screens/hp), in case it is newer than the document you're now reading.
Class <StaticGray>| <GrayScale> | <StaticColor> | <PseudoColor> | <TrueColor> | <DirectColor>
Specify the class of the default visual.
Depth <depth_value>
Specify the depth of the default visual (for example 8, 12, or 24).
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 24