
hp PEX Graphics Performance
Optimized vs. Normal 3D Performance
Rendering Conditions
Performance Optimized For: Factors Affecting Performance:
Light sources:
o Best: up to 8 directional light
sources, plus ambient
o Good: a mixture of up to 8
directional and positional light
sources, plus ambient
Directional eyepoint (this is the default in
hp PEX unless compliance mode is
Back-face culling off, or back-face culling
on with supplied geometric normals
(culling usually results in a performance
View clipping on
Isotropic modeling matrix (angle-
Color approximation type PEXColorSpace
OCC primitives
Packed or stride data format
A total of more than 8 directional and
positional light sources cause a noticeable
performance degradation
Any of the following ways of heavily
interleaving changes:
o Frequent attribute changes (e.g.,
frequent changes of line color)
relative to the number of primitives
being drawn
o Frequent changes of the type of
primitive (e.g., switching between
Fill Areas and Polylines at a high
o Frequent changes of vertex
attributes (i.e., the data being
supplied with each vertex)
o Frequent changes of modal state,
such as:
(especially MBX or DBE)
HLHSR mode or ID
Light sources enabled
Depth cueing state
Texture mapping state
o Frequent switching between two or
more active Renderers
o Frequent mixing of Xlib and hp
PEXlib calls
Redundant or unnecessary setup (e.g.
setting attributes that are not relevant to the
primitives being drawn)
Deformation on
Model clipping on
HLHSR in software via PowerShade (on
unaccelerated graphics devices)
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 106