
Other features are available (listed as "Factors Affecting Performance:") but should be used with
discretion as performance is significantly slower if even one of these features is used.
Note: The following tables were complete and accurate as of the date of publication of this document.
Updates to the table, if any are necessary, will be included in the on-line release notes for the current
release. See the 10.x_Rel_Notes file in the following directories:
Texture Mapping
When the texture-mapping hardware is present, it is used completely, except for the following cases,
which bypass the geometry accelerator hardware but continue to use other texture-mapping hardware
Using more than 8 lights
Backface distinguishing
Facet alpha
Texture-mapping hardware acceleration is completely bypassed when the following texture conditions
Multiple textures per primitive (PEX)
Texture maps with more than 32K texels per side (Starbase, PEX)
No texture-mapping hardware installed (Starbase, PEX)
Prelight texturing with DECAL mode on (PEX)
Prelight texturing with replace mode on and boundary condition absolute (external to the texture
boundary is the original primitive color) (PEX)
Starbase DECAL and the texture does not have ALPHA in it. (Starbase)
You can also resort to software texturing when you run into texture-memory space limitations or run out
of texture IDs.
Graphics Administration Guide for HP-UX 10.20
Page 105