
Smeared toner This occurs because the wrong type is set for the media or because the inks used on
a preprinted form melt under the temperature of the fuser.
Make sure that the correct type is set (see “Determining media type” on
page 171).
Use media that the MFP supports (see “Supported types of media” on page 164).
Make sure that the media and inks used on preprinted forms used in this MFP can
withstand temperatures as high as 200°C (392°F), the maximum temperature for
the MFP.
Excessive curl Note that heavy toner coverage can cause a page to curl. The curl will relax after a
few minutes. In humid conditions, the curl might require up to 60 minutes to relax
completely. If the curl does not relax after this amount of time, make sure that you are
using media that is supported by the MFP (see “Supported types of media” on
page 164).
Media-related copy- and print-quality issues
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