108 Chapter 4 – Faxing
Rev. 1.0
Transmission speeds and
standards supported
V.17 14,400, 12,000, 9,600, 7,200 bps
V.33 at 14,400, 12,000 bps
V.29 at 9,600, 7,200 bps
V.27ter at 4,800 and 2,400 bps
V.34 at 16,800, 19,200, 21,600, 24,000, 26,400, 28,800, 31,200, 33,600 bps
Modem speed Up to 33.6 K bits per second (bps)
Speed dialing Yes
Fax resolution,
(send and receive)
Standard: 200 x 100 dots per inch (dpi)
Fine: 200 x 200 dpi
Superfine: 300 x 300 dpi
Ultrafine: 200 x 400 (receive only)
Ultrafine: 400 x 400 (receive only)