180 Chapter 7 – Selecting and using media
Rev. 1.0
Media-related copy-quality and print-quality issues
The table lists copy-quality and print-quality issues that might be related to the media that is used. If you encounter a copy-
quality or print-quality problem that is not listed here, or the recommended actions do not solve the problem, see “Solving
output-quality problems” on page 279.
Media-related copy- and print-quality issues
Issue Recommended action
Marks on the edge of the media This can be caused by certain thin, rough media, and some coated (glossy or very
smooth) media effects. The marks can be dark or light.
• Use media that the MFP supports (see “Supported types of media” on page 164).
• Keep media in its packaging, unopened, until use.
• Make sure that the media type uses the proper print mode.
Uneven color coverage This can be caused by rough media or by using the wrong media type.
• Use media that the MFP supports (see “Supported types of media” on page 164).
• Make sure that the correct type is set. If in doubt, use the type for a heavier media
(see “Determining media type” on page 171).
• If the issue persists, it might be necessary to adjust the transfer rate.