Printing special paper
Printing cards, custom-size, and heavy paper
Custom-size paper can be printed from any tray. For paper
specifications, see “Paper specifications” on page 188.
The maximum paper weight is 199 g/m
(53 lb) from tray 1 and
105 g/m
(28 lb) from trays 2, 3, and 4.
To prevent curl and other problems, heavy paper and very small
custom-size paper should be printed from tray 1 to the rear output bin.
Open the rear output bin to use it (see “Printing to the rear output bin”
on page 45).
The printer control panel can be set for one custom size at a time. Do
not load more than one size of custom paper into the printer.
Guidelines for printing custom-size paper
Do not attempt to print on paper smaller than 76 mm (3 in) wide
or 127 mm (5 in) long.
In the software application, set page margins at least 4.23 mm
(0.17 in) away from the edges.
Feed short-edge first.
Setting custom paper sizes
When custom paper is loaded, size settings need to be selected from
the software application (the preferred method), the printer driver, and
the printer control panel.
Tray Minimum size Maximum size
Tray 1 76 by 127 mm
(3 by 5 in)
216 by 356 mm
(8.5 by 14 in)
Tray 2, 3, or 4 148 by 210 mm
(5.8 by 8.2 in)
216 by 356 mm
(8.5 by 14 in)