ordering 22
paper orientation 51
supported paper sizes 49
supported paper sizes and weights 191
troubleshooting 110
using with rear output bin 50
duplexer. See duplex printing accessory
binding options 52
booklets 66
description 49
guidelines 50
location of option in control panel menus
dust cover
location 20
tray 2 and duplexer 49
EconoMode setting 218
edge of binding, setting 211
Edlin, entering escape characters in 237
EIO cards
description 21
installing 233
ordering 22
EIO Menu 225
EIO slots
description 229
learning what is installed 229
location 20
electrical specifications 201
e-mail page (embedded web server) 253
embedded web server
configuring language displayed in 254
configuring refresh rate 254
description 251
device pages 253
help 252
home pages 253
network pages 254
using 252
using to check toner level 85
using to configure alerts 94
using to order parts and accessories 22
EMI statement for Korea 248
emissions, acoustic 202
energy consumption 201, 244
Energy Star 244
enlarging page view 10
envelope feeder
bad connection message 112
capacity 191
clearing paper jams 100
envelope specifications 57
illustration 21
inserting and removing 58
load problems 113
loading 59
ordering 22
setting envelope size 210
setting size from control panel 71
setting type 210
specifications 55
supported paper sizes and weights 191
using 57
adhesive strips or flaps 197
curled 197
double-side-seam 197
guidelines 55
handling flaps 197
loading in envelope feeder 59
margins 55, 198
printing 55
printing from envelope feeder 57
printing from tray 1 56
printing to rear output bin 45
setting size 210
setting type 210
solving repeated jams 110
specifications 55, 57, 197
storing 198
supported by envelope feeder 191
troubleshooting jams 197
wrinkled 55
environmental product stewardship 244
environmental specifications 201
defects 167
packing 165
returning 165
shipping 165
warranty 167, 246
equivalent weights to U.S. paper 194
error log. See event log
error messages. See messages
error page for PS 221
errors. See troubleshooting
escape characters
entering in DOS 237
examples 236
escape sequences
combining 237
selecting 156
Etalk setting 225
Ethernet cards, ordering 22
EtherTalk setting 225
event log 153
location in control panel control menus
printing with embedded web server 251