in control panel messages 31
on control panel 29
100-sheet paper tray. See tray 1
10Base-T cards, ordering 22
10Base-TX cards, ordering 22
1200 dpi, setting resolution to 217
2-sided printing. See duplexing
2-up printing 67
300 dpi, setting resolution to 217
3-hole punched paper 51
500-sheet paper tray
bad connection message 112
capacity 190
illustration 21
location 19
ordering 22
orienting paper for duplexing 51
orienting special paper 54
supported paper sizes and weights 190
600 dpi, setting resolution to 217
A4 paper
overriding with letter-size paper 216
setting number of characters on single
line 216
access denied menus locked message
32, 112
accessing toner cartridge 20
direct ordering 160
list and illustration 21
ordering 22
verifying installation 152
accessory guides 14
acoustic emissions 202
Reader 10
using documents 9
website 12
memory 229
printer drivers 33
additional drivers, obtaining 33
on envelopes 197
on labels 196
adjusting trays 2, 3, 4 47
administrator software on printer CD 33
Adobe Acrobat
Reader 10
using documents 9
website 12
agreements for service 160
alerts page (embedded web server) 253
alerts, configuring 94
append CR to LF setting 216
Apple EtherTalk setting 225
Apple LaserWriter printer driver 40
Apple Mac OS printer driver 34
assigning a zone on the network 40
Attention light 29
authorized resellers 160
Auto Cleaning Page setting 218
auto continue setting 111, 220
AutoCAD printer drivers 34
Background Printing (Macintosh) 144
backlight, turning off 219
bad duplexer connection message 112
benefits of printer 16
bidirectional parallel communication
setting 222
binding edge, setting 211
binding options for duplexing 52
bins. See output bins; rear output bin; top
output bin
black with white spots problem 136
blank display 137
booklets 66
both sides, printing. See duplexing
browsing with thumbnails in online user
guide 11
bundles for printer 18
ordering 22
troubleshooting serial 139
Canada DOC regulations 248
Cancel Job key 30