160 Chapter 5 - Service and support
HP direct ordering for accessories or supplies
To order accessories or supplies:
● call (800) 752-0900 (U.S.) or (800) 387-3154 (Canada)
● visit the HP LaserJet supplies website that is local to your area
(print a copy of the supplies status page to learn the URL, as
described in “Supplies status page” on page 154)
HP direct ordering for genuine HP parts
In the U.S., call (800) 227-8164.
HP service parts information CD
This powerful, CD-based parts information tool is designed to give
users fast, easy access to parts information such as pricing and
recommended stocking lists for a wide range of HP products. To
subscribe to this quarterly service in the U.S. or Canada, call
(800) 336-5987. In Asia Pacific, call (65) 740-4484. Parts
identification and pricing information worldwide can also be accessed
via the World Wide Web at http:/www.hp.com/go/partsinfo
HP Support Assistant CD
This support tool offers a comprehensive online information system
designed to provide technical and product information on HP
products. To subscribe to this quarterly service in the U.S. or Canada,
call (800) 457-1762. In Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, or
Singapore, call Mentor Media at (65) 740-4477.
HP authorized resellers and support
To locate authorized HP resellers and support, call (800) 243-9816
(U.S.) or (800) 387-3867 (Canada).
HP service agreements
Call (800) 743-8305 (U.S.) or (800) 268-1221 (Canada).