Chapter 4 Command Reference
Measurement Instructions (:CONFigure, :FETCh, :MEASure, :READ)
4-60 Programming Guide
Descriptions of the Measurement Functions—<function>
This sub-section provides a description of each measurement function (that is,
[:VOLTage]:FREQuency, [:VOLTage]:FREQuency:RATio,
[:VOLTage]:PERiod, etc.) that can be used with either the :MEASure query or
:CONFigure command.
If your HP 53131A contians Firmware Revision 3413, refer to the subsection
titled “Firmware Revision Work-Around Commands” on page 4-77. It is
important to refer to this subsection if your counter conta ins Firmware Revision
3413 because several measurement functions commands will not work with this
firmware revision; thus, work-around commands must be used.
The commands that required work-around commands are:
:MEASure[:SCALar][:VOLTage]:MAXimum? <parameters>[<source_list>]
:MEASure[:SCALar][:VOLTage]:MINimum? <parameters>[<source_list>]
:MEASure[:SCALar][:VOLTage]:PTPeak? <Parameters>[<source_list>]
In each of the following command lines, the MEASure command is used with the
measurement function commands.