Chapter 4 Command Reference
Measurement Instructions (:CONFigure, :FETCh, :MEASure, :READ)
4-58 Programming Guide
• Result will be formatted according to :FORMat[:DATA] ASCii | REAL
• When ASCii format is used, numeric data is transferred as ASCII bytes in
<NR3> format. The number of significant digits will range from 1 to 15,
depending on the measurement resolution.
• Refer to the sub-section in this section titled “Descriptions of Measurement
Functions” for descriptions of each measurement function.
• Refer to Table 4-1 for a summary of the <function>, <parameters>, and
<source_list> for each of the measurement functions.
• If :READ? is executed while the Counter is configured to make an
automatically armed Totalize measurement, Not a Number 9.91E37 is
returned and error -221 is generated. :INITiate and :ABORt should be used to
begin and terminate the measurement; :FETCh? should be used to retrieve the
terminated measurement result.
Query Response