Chapter 4 Command Reference
Measurement Instructions (:CONFigure, :FETCh, :MEASure, :READ)
4-54 Programming Guide
• This command disables math, statistics, and limit-testing.
• If an absolute trigger level is not specified in the <parameters>, then when this
command executes, for functions other than Voltage Peaks (maximum,
minimum, peak-to-peak) or Totalize,
– auto-trigger is enabled,
– auto-trigger level(s) are set,
– auto-trigger is invoked on measurement channel(s).
Queries the function configured by the last :CONFigure or :MEASure query.
If the instrument state has changed through commands other than :CONFigure or
:MEASure query, the instrument will not track these changes, and the query
response will not reflect these changes.
• A string of the form: “<function> <parameters>[,<source_list>]”, omitting
the leading colon from the <function>.
• The Rise Time, Fall Time, and Duty Cycle functions each have two ways of
being specified. This query response will use RTIM, FTIM, or DCYC to
indicate these functions.
• The response is unaffected by *RST, recall, and [:SENS]:FUNC.
• At power-on, this query generates an error and returns an empty string.
• Refer to the sub-section in this section titled “Descriptions of Measurement
Functions” for descriptions of each measurement function.
• Refer to Table 4-1 in this section for a summary of the <function>,
<parameters>, and <source_list> for each of the measurement functions.
Query Response