Chapter 4 Command Reference
Programming Guide 4-27
• Your Counter was calibrated before it left the factory. When you receive your
Counter, read the calibration count to determine its initial value.
• Early versions of the Counter do not support this query.
Scale & Offset / POWER (Calibration Menu)
:CALibration:DATA <arbitrary block>
Sets or queries the calibration data (input gain, input offset, reference oscillator,
and time interval).
Before performing calibration, it is a good idea to query (:CAL:DATA?) and store
the current calibration values in your program or on a disk in case an error occurs
during the calibration process. See the sample program “How to Read and Store
Calibration Information ” in Chapter 3, “Programming Your Universal Counter for
Remote Operation.”
Definite Length Block.
• The query response will be #256<56 calibration-data bytes> terminated
with a new line and EOI.
• This command does not affect the interpolator calibration data.
• If the <arbitrary block> command parameter has the incorrect number of
bytes or does not checksum, error -220 is generated.
• If the update to EEPROM fails, error +2013 is generated.
• The calibration data (updated by this command) is stored in
non-volatile memory, so cycling power will not reset these values. The only
way to update the calibration data is through this command or by initiating the
individual calibrations (see :DIAG:CAL: ...).
• The calibration data (updated by this command) is unaffected by power-on,
save/recall, and *RST.
Query Response