
EN– CongurationNotesfortheGHP™10AutopilotSystem
Evaluating the Results of the Autopilot Conguration
When the Dockside and Sea Trial Wizards are complete, test the autopilot to be sure it is congured correctly. Test the autopilot rst at slow
speeds (below planing), and then test the autopilot at planing speeds.
To test the autopilot conguration:
1. Drivetheboatinonedirectionwiththeautopilotengaged(headinghold).Theboatshouldnotoscillatesignicantly;however,asmall
amount of oscillation is normal.
2. Turn the boat in one direction using the autopilot. When you release the turn button, the boat should overshoot the turn and quickly correct
the heading to the point at which you released the button. You will notice that the faster you are going, the greater the boat will overshoot the
3. Iftheautopilotisconguredproperlyatslowspeeds,repeatthesetestsatplaningspeed,andviceversa.
To adjust the autopilot conguration if necessary:
1. Ifyoufeelthattheheadingholdoscillatessignicantlyorthattheautopilotdoesnotquicklycorrecttheheadingwhenturning,youcanmake
slight adjustments to the rudder gain.
NOTE: When you manually adjust the rudder gain (or counter gain), make small adjustments, and adjust only one value at a time. Test the change
before entering any further adjustments.
2. On the GHC 10, select Menu > Setup > Dealer Autopilot Conguration > Turn Fine Tuning Setup > Rudder Gains to access the rudder
gain adjustments. There are two types of gain settings at both low and high speeds:
Rudder Gain—Adjusts how tightly the rudder holds the heading and makes turns. If you set this value too high, the autopilot may be
overactive, attempting to constantly adjust the heading at the slightest deviation. An overactive autopilot can cause excess wear and tear
on the autopilot pump.
Counter Gain—Adjusts how tightly the rudder corrects the turn overshoot. If you set this value too high, the autopilot can overshoot the
turn again when attempting to counter the original turn.