
WinCHAP User’s Manual The DSL/NAL-NL1 Module 63
Figure 6.1.6: Settings window
6.1.7 Customizing Settings
The DSL and NAL-NL1 fitting protocols can be fairly complicated fitting pro-
cesses with a variety of settings and variables that can affect the targets. For this
reason, we make it possible to customize the settings for the particular client as
well as save new default settings for the program as a whole.
1. Click
Settings to open the Settings window. See Figure 6.1.6.
2. Configure your desired settings.
3. Click
Save to save these settings as the client’s customized settings.
4. Open the Tools menu and select Save as Default Settings to save these
settings as the general default settings that are used for all clients. (Any
client with custom settings will retain their custom settings.)