
QGE 100 • Introduction 1
This section gives an overview of the Extron QGE 100 Quantum Graphics Encoder,
describes its significant features, and provides examples of application diagrams. The
following topics are covered:
About this Guide
About the QGE 100 Encoder
Functional Overview
Application Diagrams
About this Guide
This guide discusses how to install, configure, and operate the QGE 100.
Throughout this guide, the terms “QGE,” “QGE 100,” and “encoder” are used
interchangeably to refer to the QGE 100 Quantum Graphics Encoder.
“Source computer” refers to the computer whose desktop will be encoded and
streamed to be displayed on a Quantum Elite videowall or a viewing computer.
“Viewing computer” (or “your computer”) refers to the computer on which you are
viewing the source video that has been encoded by the QGE 100, and on which you
load the QGE 100 Administrator and QGE 100 Viewer software.
About the QGE 100 Encoder
The QGE 100 Quantum Graphics Encoder encodes an RGB or DVI signal from a source
computer or similar graphical device and streams it to a Quantum
Elite videowall
processor, computer, or other viewing device over an IP network. The viewing device can
then decode the image data and reproduce the image displayed on the source computer
screen at its original or scaled resolution.
The QGE 100 is connected between a source computer and its monitor, keyboard, and
mouse without affecting the performance of the computer. From these connections the
QGE obtains the source display content, along with keyboard and mouse actions. This
data is then made available to a viewing computer, which displays the source on a target
display (for example, the viewing computer monitor or a videowall).
The QGE provides high scalability, allowing sources such as maps, data screens, and other
low-motion graphic input signals to be interfaced to encoders and made available to
the viewing device. Near-real-time lossless compression with 4:4:4, 24-bit color source
reproduction maintains image fidelity while minimizing network bandwidth. The decoded
image is a pixel-for-pixel reproduction of the original with no blocking or color smearing.
NOTE: The Quantum Elite must at have least one 12-channel video input card
installed if QGE 100 units are used with it. The card provides the data bridge
between the incoming IP stream and the Quantum RAPT video/graphic bus.