
QGE 100 • Software Configuration and Control 31
Configuring UDP multicast settings
To use a Quantum Elite processor as a viewing device or to connect the QGE 100 source
to multiple viewing devices, you must place the QGE in multicast mode. You can configure
multicast connection parameters by making changes to the fields in the Network Settings
section of the QGE 100 main window.
Figure 23. Network Settings Section for UDP Multicast Configuration
To change multicast settings:
1. Make sure that you are logged in as administrator (see “Logging In and Out
[Administrator Level]” on page 28).
2. On the QGE 100 List, select a QGE.
3. Make any desired changes to the multicast settings in the Network Settings section.
(The QGE does not need to be in multicast mode for you to make these changes.)
4. Click Apply to implement your changes.
The table below lists and describes the multicast settings that can be edited.
Setting Description
Multicast Enabled Select this check box to enable multicast mode.
Multicast Group Enter an IP address to which all viewing devices connect in
order to view the QGE 100 source. The address must be within
the range of to Ensure that the
address you choose is unique to your QGE and is not being used
anywhere else on the network.
Multicast Port Enter the port number for multicast connection. This is normally
set to 5000, which is the default value expected by the QGE 100
Viewer application and QGE-enabled image processors.
Enter the required Time To Live (TTL) value for multicast
messages. This value defines how many jumps a multicast
message can make through a router to other subnets before
the message is canceled (for example, setting this value to 1
prevents the message from leaving the current subnet). The
range for this value is 1 through 255; 5 is recommended.
Refresh Factor The QGE 100 periodically updates the screen, whether or
not the content has changed. The refresh value, measured in
frames, sets the delay between these updates. Setting this value
to 1 (recommended) causes the screen to be updated most