MVX Plus 128 VGA Matrix Switchers • HTML Operation
Changing the output volume level
Users can set each output’s volume level through a range of zero steps of
attenuation (full attenuation, minimum volume) to 64 steps of attenuation (no
attenuation, full volume) from the RGB and Audio Settings page.
Change an output’s audio level setting as follows:
1. Click the output drop box. A drop-down scroll box appears (fi gure 6-18).
Figure 6-18 — Output selection drop box
2. Click and drag the slider or click the scroll up
button or the scroll down
button until the desired output is visible.
3. Click the desired output.
4. Click the Volume Steps (64 Max) drop box. A drop-down scroll box appears
(fi gure 6-19).
Figure 6-19 — Volume drop box
5. Click the desired output volume step value.
The table on the next page defi nes the value of each audio volume step.