HTML Operation, cont’d
MVX Plus 128 VGA Matrix Switchers • HTML Operation
Upload your own fi les as follows:
The following characters are invalid in fi le names:
{space} + ~ , @ = ‘ [ ] { } < > ’ “ ; : | \ and ?.
1. Click the Browse button.
2. Browse through your system and select the desired fi le(s).
If you want one of the pages that you create and upload to be the default startup
page, name that fi le “index.html”.
3. Click the Upload File button. The fi le(s) that you selected appear in the list.
Set and View Ties Page
You can create ties on the Set and View Ties page (fi gure 6-10). Access the Set and
View Ties page by clicking the Control tab.
Select Global Presets.
Select RGB & Audio Settings.
Figure 6-10 — Set and View Ties page
The page consists of a matrix of input (rows) and output (columns) selection
buttons of four different colors:
• The amber buttons indicate video and audio ties.
• The green buttons indicate video only ties.
• The red buttons indicate audio only ties.
• The gray buttons indicate no ties.
If you lose track of the input and output associated with a specifi c button, let the
mouse pointer rest over a button for a moment. As shown on fi gure 6-10, a fi eld
pops up that identifi es the input and output for that button.