Presets recall a group of frequently used settings. Presets created by DSPConfigurator
can contain all elements (gain blocks, processor blocks, and mix-points) or a portion of
the elements available within the program. In Emulate mode, up to 32 partial presets
can be created, uploaded as a set, and stored to the device or a disk as a configuration
file. In Live mode, presets can be created one at a time from the current state.
They can then be saved to a chosen preset number in the device, with the option to
name or rename, or save it to disk.
When recalled, a preset overwrites only elements contained in the preset. Presets are
useful when settings for a particular room or only certain elements of a configuration need
to be changed regularly.
Presets can be created in Live or Emulate modes. In Emulate mode, the presets are
created, saved to a file, then pushed to the DMP64 when connecting in Live mode.
When a pull data synchronization is performed, preset data remains in the DMP64, with
only the list of preset names pulled from the device. Presets in this state are marked with
an asterisk until that preset is recalled (which pulls the preset data from the device), or
until a backup is performed (see Backup on page26). Presets pulled from the device
cannot be saved to disk until they have been recalled, at which time the preset data is
pulled into the DSP Configurator. Presets with no asterisk can be saved to disk.
Saved presets can be recalled via the DSP Configurator, or a control system sending an
SIS preset recall command. Presets can also be saved and recalled via the embedded
web page. Presets saved using the web page interface contain input gain, output volume,
and the primary mix-point settings.
Previewing and Recalling a Preset
A preset can be previewed in either Live or Emulate mode by selecting the preset from
the preset drop-down list.
The program indicates a view-only preset configuration by displaying each preset element
with a translucent green mask over the block.
Figure 54. Preset Preview
Behavior for previewing and applying presets is as follows:
• Live Mode. After selecting a preset, the DSP Configurator displays the preset
elements that will be affected by a preset recall with a translucent mask over the
element. It leaves all other DSP Configurator elements unaltered. Elements without a
translucent mask represent elements in the current state that will be unaffected by a
preset recall. Real-time changes to the current state are not reflected onscreen while
previewing a preset, and the user cannot alter those elements. To apply the preset,
click Recall. The preset reverts to Current State.
• Emulate Mode. After selecting a preset from the list the DSP Configurator displays
the elements that will be affected by a preset recall with a green translucent mask,
leaving all other elements (which represent the current emulation) unaltered. Click
Recall to apply the viewed preset to the current emulation. The preset number
reverts to Current Emulation.
DMP64 • Software Control 81