As shown below, the starting point for the paste, (the upper, leftmost element), must first
be focused by left-clicking the mouse on it. Note the green focus outline that appears on
the Mic #4 Gain block. The clipboard elements are pasted using the context menu Paste
command, the Edit>Paste command, or <Ctrl+V>.
NOTE: A cut and copy of elements can be pasted to multiple locations. To copy the
clipboard to an additional location, click on the leftmost block and paste again.
The program warns that all settings in the section being pasted to will be overwritten:
After clicking Yes, the entire Mic #4 input path is now identical to the Mic #1 input path
including signal levels, parameter settings, and mute/bypass selections.
Any single processor block can be copied, then pasted to a similar processor block in the
same or different input, virtual or output signal path. Mix-point gains can be copied from
one to another; however, input gain, pre-mixer gain, post-mixer trim, and output volume
cannot. Mix-point settings can be freely copied between mix-points. The user is always
asked whether they want to overwrite the existing information. If an attempt is made to
copy a processor block setting to an incompatible block, the user is advised the action
cannot be completed.
DMP64 • Software Control 21