This section describes this manual and the DMP64, including:
• About This Guide
• About the DMP64 Digital Matrix Processor
• Features
• DMP64 Application Diagram
About This Guide
This guide contains installation, configuration, and operating information for the
Digital Matrix Processor, software-controlled digital
audio processor.
In this guide, the DMP64 can also be referred to as “the mixer” or “device.”
About the DMP64 Digital Matrix Processor
The DMP64 is a standalone audio matrix processor with six microphone/line inputs and
four line outputs. Using high-quality 24-bit A/D converters sampling at 48kHz, input signals
are converted into the digital domain where Digital Signal Processing algorithms process
and mix the signals using Extron floating point ProDSP
technology. The DMP64 uses
a dual-matrix design providing virtual processing busses, with audio signal processing
available in any of the input, virtual, and output signal paths. A dual matrix mixer with virtual
paths provides extremely flexible architecture, allowing for versatile processing, mixing, and
routing scenarios.
The DMP64 is IP Link
-enabled, connecting to a host computer via the Ethernet port for
fast configuration and setup. Dual RS-232 ports on the rear panel, plus a USB port located
on the front panel provide convenient high-speed access. Six digital I/O ports permit
connection of switches and sensors to provide input to the system for triggering a variety of
actions within the device.
The DMP64 has no front panel controls therefore, all configuration is performed using
the Extron DSP Configurator
program from a host computer connected by any of the
communication ports: RS-232, USB or Ethernet. Signal present and clip LEDs for the six
input channels and four output channels are provided on the front panel.
Two operational modes, Live and Emulate, allow a user to work offline from the device to
set up a configuration and create presets and group controls as needed before placing the
configuration in the DSP 64. DSP Configurator settings developed offline can be saved to
disk as a job file to be uploaded to the device at a later time, or can be transferred directly
to the device by switching to Live mode. Up to 32 full or partial presets and up to 32 group
master controls can be created, loaded into, and stored in the DMP64. The presets and
controls can then be recalled through DSPConfigurator, or a control system using Simple
Instruction Set(SIS
) commands. Control systems connected to the device either by RS-
232 or Ethernet can control a limited subset of DMP64 functions using SIS commands.
DMP64 • Introduction 1