Where to look for SySAM-related errors
92 Adaptive Server Enterprise
• If Adaptive Server has started in grace mode – the output from the
sp_lmconfig command.
• If Adaptive Server does not start – the server’s properties file
On Windows:
servername must correspond to the name of the Adaptive Server that does
not start.
• The license files saved in the SYSAM-2_0 licenses directory on the
machine running Adaptive Server.
environment variables, if they have been defined.
• Output from
lmutil lmpath -status command. The lmutil binary is located in
the bin directory under SYSAM-2_0 folder.
• If you are using a served license model:
• The licenses saved in the $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/licenses directory of
the license server.
• The license server log file in the $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/log directory.
Where to look for SySAM-related errors
All SySAM related errors are printed in the Adaptive Server errorlog. All
SySAM-related messages are prefixed with
"kernel SySAM:" in the
Adaptive Server errorlog. For example:
<timestamp> kernel SySAM: Failed to obtain 1 license(s)
for ASE_CORE feature from license file(s) or server(s).
If e-mail alerts are configured, recipients receive an e-mail whenever a SySAM
event occurs.
You can always check the current state of SySAM licenses in Adaptive Server
using the
sp_lmconfig command. The output shows the current SySAM
configuration and the status of each license.