
wwaarrnniinngg!! ssaaffeettyy ffiirrsstt
The following safety warnings must be observed at all times:
Due to the complexity of this system, installation of this product must only be performed by an authorized
Ungo dealer.
iinnssttaallllaattiioonn ppooiinnttss ttoo rreemmeemmbbeerr
Please read this entire installation guide before beginning the installation. The installation of this remote
start system requires interfacing with many of the vehicle’s systems. Many new vehicles use low-voltage or
multiplexed systems that can be damaged by low resistance testing devices, such as test lights and logic
probes (computer safe test lights). Test all circuits with a high quality digital multi-meter before making con-
Do not disconnect the battery if the vehicle has an anti-theft-coded radio. If equipped with an air bag, avoid
disconnecting the battery if possible. Many airbag systems will display a diagnostic code through their
warning lights after they lose power. Disconnecting the battery requires this code to be erased, which can
require a trip to the dealer.
Check with the customer on status LED location.
Remove the domelight fuse. This prevents accidentally draining the battery.
Roll down a window to avoid being locked out of the car.
Test all functions. The “Using Your System” section of the Owner's Guide is very helpful when testing.
When testing, don’t forget that this system is equipped with Nuisance Prevention Circuitry™(NPC™). NPC can
bypass trigger zones, making them appear to stop working. See the
Nuisance Prevention Circuitry
Review and complete the
Safety Check
section of this guide prior to the vehicle reassembly.
aafftteerr tthhee iinnssttaallllaattiioonn
bbeeffoorree bbeeggiinnnniinngg tthhee iinnssttaallllaattiioonn