program Channel 2. Release the Valet/Program switch. Press it one time and release it to advance from Channel
1 to Channel 2. Now, press and
the Valet/Program switch. The LED will flash two times and the horn will
honk twice (if connected). As before, do not release it.
If you want to program Channel 3 after programming Channel 1, release the Valet/Program switch, press it twice
and release it to advance to Channel 3. Then press it once more and
it. The horn will honk three times (if
connected) and the LED will flash three times to confirm it is ready to receive the code from the transmitter.
LLeeaarrnn RRoouuttiinnee wwiillll bbee eexxiitteedd iiff::
■ Door is closed.
■ Ignition is turned off.
■ Program switch is pressed too many times.
■ More than 15 seconds between steps.
ttrraannssmmiitttteerr ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss
The transmitters can be programmed with the standard or single button arm/disarm configurations by using the
Auto Learn functions in the Transmitter/Receiver Learn Routine.
A remote that uses the standard configuration operates similarly to many factory keyless entry remotes. A stan-
dard configuration transmitter allows arming, disarming, and Panic Mode activation with separate buttons. When
programmed for standard configuration, the transmitter buttons are assigned to the following functions:
Panic ON/Panic OFF
panic off
.....................................operates...........................Channel 2—trunk
and .......................operate............................No function
and .......................operate............................Channel 4
bbuuttttoonn ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn
ssttaannddaarrdd ccoonnffiigguurraattiioonn