
sshhoocckk sseennssoorr hhaarrnneessss,, 44--ppiinn ccoonnnneeccttoorr
Inputs shorter than 0.8 seconds will trigger the Warn Away® response, while inputs longer than 0.8 seconds will
trigger full alarm sequence and report Zone Two. If installing an optional Directed Electronics dual stage sensor,
connect to the green wire as shown below. The diagram below eliminates the need for diodes to isolate the
DDiiaaggrraamm ffoorr aaddddiinngg ooppttiioonnaall DDiirreecctteedd EElleeccttrroonniiccss dduuaall ssttaaggee sseennssoorr ttoo ggrreeeenn wwiirree ((ZZoonnee 22))::
Inputs shorter than 0.8 seconds will trigger the Warn Away® response, while inputs longer than 0.8 seconds will
trigger full alarm sequence and will also report Zone Two.
Do not use these for anything besides the plug-in shock sensor.
RREEDD aanndd BBLLAACCKK:: RREEDD iiss ((++))1122VV ccoonnssttaanntt,, BBLLAACCKK iiss ((--)) ggrroouunndd
BBLLUUEE ((--)) mmuullttiipplleexx iinnppuutt,, zzoonnee 22
GGRREEEENN ((--)) mmuullttiipplleexx iinnppuutt,, zzoonnee 22