pprrooggrraammmmiinngg jjuummppeerrss
This jumper is used to determine the light flash output. In the (+) position, the on-board relay is enabled and
the unit will output (+)12V on the WHITE wire, H1/2. In the (-) position, the on-board relay is disabled. The
WHITE wire, H1/2, will supply a 200 mA (-) output suitable for driving factory parking light relays.
For parking light circuits that draw 10 amps or more, the internal jumper must be
switched to a (-) light flash output.
PP//NN 88661177
or a standard automotive SPDT relay must be used
on the H1/2 light flash output harness wire.
ttrraannssmmiitttteerr//rreecceeiivveerr lleeaarrnn rroouuttiinnee
The system comes with transmitters that have been taught to the receiver. The receiver can store up to 4 dif-
ferent transmitter codes in memory. Use the following learn routine to add transmitters to the system or to
change button assignments if desired.
The learn routine may be locked if previously programmed using the Bitwriter. If the horn generates one long
honk when attempting to program the unit, the learn routine is locked and must be unlocked using the
Bitwriter™ before proceeding.
lliigghhtt ffllaasshh ((++))//((--))