Be careful not to get burnt when opening the lid
and/or removing the container!!
The appliance allows to homogenise all the foods normally
used for weaning: fruit, vegetables, meat, sh, rice, etc.
Thanks to the special design of its blades, Baby Meal reduces
the amount of air bubbles, which cause colic in babies, in the
homogenised food it prepares.
By using the appropriate measuring cup (L) put water and the
sert it in its place on the base of the appliance (H).
Put on the lid (C) and close it by turning it clockwise until it
clicks into place (g. 1).
tula (P) supplied.
To remove the container (G) at the end of each function
switch o the appliance via the appropriate button
and remove the lid (C).
Be careful not to get burnt when opening the lid
and/or removing the container!!
This function can only be activated within the manual cooking
and blender functions.
(g. 13) position. The appliance work at the pre-set speed.
The defrost function allows to defrost and heat the previously
prepared baby food. If present, remove the multi-function bla-
the STEAM symbol, if present remove the lid and any
labels from the jar with the food to be defrosted/heated (At-
tention: the jar must be made of glass or heat resistant plastic
dimensions of the jar must not exceed: 60 mm diameter, 90
mm height). Position the jar on the bottom of the container
dicated in the relative section of this instructions manual. To
defrost/heat homogenised food weighing about 80 g set the
time on 15/20 minutes, in the event of complete homogenised
baby food (about 200-260 g) set at about 25-30 minutes.
jar with oven gloves taking great care as it may be very hot.
for hygienic and biological reasons never heat foods
more than once or for a more than an hour.
Before administering heated food to a baby, always check that
• Ensurethattheplugisdisconnectedfromthepowermains
and that the switch is in position 0.
• Openandremovethelid,thenremovethecontainerand
the stopper before washing them in tepid and soapy water.
Rinse and dry thoroughly.
• Ifneededremovetheremainsoftheingredientsbyusing
the spatula(P) supplied. Do not use abrasive products.
• Toeasecleaning,alwaysdismantletheblades.Washeve-
rything and dry thoroughly, then reassemble.
Attention the blades are very sharp, so when they are not
inserted in the appliance, protect them with the protective
casing and store them in a safe place out of children’s re-
• Topreventthebladesfromrusting,straightaftereachuse
always clean and dry them thoroughly.
It is recommended not to wash the blades in the dishwa-
sher because the presence of salt and moisture may cause
rust. Wipe the motor body and power cable with a damp
cloth or sponge. Dry thoroughly with a soft cloth.
• Wrapthepowercablecarefullyaroundthebaseofthemo-
tor body.
• Tosimplifythecleaningofthecover,slightlypullorusea
thin blunt tool (e.g. the spatula provided) to remove the
seal from its housing.
To prevent damages to the seal, insert the tool in the outer
edge in correspondence of the support hook (see gure).
When putting the seal back into place, make sure that it
ts in all the support hooks