The setting speeds are 1,2 and 3, as per graphics. The
others are inhibited.
This feature allows you to cook in the traditional manner by
modulating the power and mixing evenly, in addition the th-
heat food and milk and prepare creams.
Depending on the kind of food to be cooked, apply the multi-
function blade (M) (for mincing and blending food) or the mi-
• Afterhavingputthefoodonewishestocookinthecontai-
appliance (H), then put on the lid (C) and close it by turning
it clockwise until it clicks into place (g. 1).
• PresstheI/0mainswitch(I)(g.2).
Manual cooking
• Pressthecookingbutton(2)(g.3)once.
By default the display shows “0:00“ and the power .
(g. 3) button until the desired function is selected.
• Ifonewishestosetthecookingtimepressthe“+and-”
buttons. If one does not wish to set the cooking time the di-
splay shows the incremental time (maximum 60 minutes).
• Pressthe“START/STOP”(8)buttontostartcooking(g.4).
The countdown time starts on the display.
• Placethespeedselectionknob(9)ontheslowmixingposi-
tion (1-3) (g. 4).
One can adjust thepower at any timeby pressing the
will start mixing intermittently after 15 minutes.
The end of cooking is signalled via the message on the
display and by an acoustic signal.
To remove the container (G) at the end of each function
switch o the appliance via the appropriate button
and remove the lid (C).
Be careful not to get burnt when opening the lid
and/or removing the container!!
This appliance is not suitable for frying; thus do
not use amounts of oil in excess of 50 g.
In the event there is no water or it runs out, the applian-
ce stops working and emits an acoustic signal. The display
shows and the red warning light switches on.
Pre-set cooking
• Pressthecookingbutton(2)once.
“WARM” function
This function is for heating food at a constant temperature of
Press the start/stop (8) button to start heating; the paddle will
start mixing. When the appliance reaches the temperature it
emits an acoustic signal and maintains the reached tempera-
ture for a maximum of 30 minutes.
When 30 minutes have elapsed, will appear on the
With this function the knob (9) and the + and - button
are disabled.
To remove the container (G) at the end of each function
switch o the appliance via the appropriate button and
remove the lid (C).
Be careful not to get burnt when opening the lid
and/or removing the container!!
Before administering heated food to a baby, always
In the event there is no water or it runs out, the ap-
pliance stops working and emits an acoustic signal. The
display shows and the red warning light
switches on.
“MILK” function
This function is for heating milk at a constant temperature of
Press the start/stop (8) button to start heating; the paddle will
start mixing.
When the appliance reaches the temperature it emits an
acoustic signal and maintains the reached temperature for a
maximum of 30 minutes. When 30 minutes have elapsed,
will appear on the display.
With this function the knob (9) and the + and - button
are disabled.
To remove the container (G) at the end of each function
switch o the appliance via the appropriate button and
remove the lid (C).