Nota Bene:
Carefully read the following instructions and keep
them for further consultation.
- Failure to comply with these instructions can lead to inju-
ry and damage to the machine.
The manufacturer is not liable for damage deriving from
the failure to comply with the user instructions.
• Thisproductisnotatoy.
• Keepchildrenawayfromtheappliance.Donotallowthe
appliance to be used by persons (even children) with re-
duced psycho-physical-sensorial capacities or that have
insucient experience and knowledge, unless they are
carefully monitored and instructed by a person respon-
sible for their safety, who informs them of the dangers
connected to improper use. Watch children, do not let
them play with the appliance.
The plastic bag containing the product should not be left wi-
thin the reach of children as it is a potential source of danger.
• Thisapplianceisintendedexclusivelyfordomesticuse.
It is not intended for use in: rooms used as kitchens for
personnel in shops, oces and other work areas, farm
holidays, hotels, motels and other reception structures,
guest houses.
• Thisappliancemust onlybeemployedforthe usefor
which it has been designed. Any other use must be con-
sidered improper and therefore dangerous. The manu-
facturer is not liable for damage deriving from improper,
wrong or irresponsible use of the appliance and/or repai-
rs carried out by unqualied personnel.
• Theappliancemustnotfunctionbymeansofanexternal
timer or with a separate remote control system.
• DONOToperatetheappliancewhenitisempty.
• DONOTremovethelidwhilstwaterisboiling.
• IfthepotislledbeyondtheMAXlevel(1.5litres)there
may be an overow of boiling water.
• Toavoidinjuryordamagetothemachine,donotput
your hands or utensils in the container while the applian-
ce is functioning.
• The spatula (P) can be used when the appliance is
switched o.
• Ensurethathands,hair,clothesandcookingutensilsare
out of the container before operating the appliance. The
blades can cut: handle them with care, especially
when one extracts the blade from the pot, when
the pot is emptied and during cleaning.
• Never operate the Pulse function or select a blade
rotation speed higher than 3 if the stopper (A) is
removed or not inserted properly in the loading
opening (D) of the lid (C) as food could spill and if
hot cause burns.
• Do not use the stirrer (N) with an operating speed
above 3 or in PULSE mode
Scalding hazard!
• Toavoidscaldingafterheating/cookingfoodscheckthe
temperature before consumption, especially before ad-
ministering them to children.
• Theexternalsurfacecanreachhightemperatureswhen
the appliance is functioning.
• Alwaysusetheappliancewiththelidon.
• Donotimmersethebaseoftheapplianceinwater.
• Donotoperatetheapplianceincasethepowersupply
cable or plug is damaged as it might be cause of elec-
tric shocks. Should the power supply cable be damaged,
it must be replaced by the manufacturer or after-sales
technical assistance service or by a person with similar
qualication, to avoid any risk.
• Beforecarrying outanycleaningormaintenanceope-
ration, disconnect the appliance from the mains power
supply by unplugging it.
Connect the appliance to an easily accessible power socket.
• Donottouchtheappliancewithwetordamphands.
Unplug from the power socket when the appliance is not used.
• Stopusingtheapplianceintheeventofliquidleakage
from the appliance body. In this case, switch o the ap-
pliance immediately and unplug from the power mains.
• Do notleavethe applianceswitched onunnecessarily
because it is potentially dangerous.
Never leave the appliance unattended when in use.
• Neverusetheappliancewithbareorwetfeet.
• Donottouchtheapplianceifithasaccidentallyfallen
into water. Remove it after unplugging it and take it to
an After-Sales Centre.
• Donotpulltheplugoutofthesocketbypullingthepo-
wer cable.
• Donotleavetheapplianceexposedtoweather(rain,sun,
ice, etc.).
• Incaseofincompatibility betweenthesocketandthe
plug of the appliance, have the plug replaced with ano-
ther suitable one by a qualied technician. It is unadvisa-
ble to use adapters, power strips and/or extension leads.
If their use is required, only use simple or multiple adap-
ters and extension leads that comply with current safety
Fundamental recommendations regarding safety