Be careful not to get burnt when opening the lid
and/or removing the container!!
In the event there is no water or it runs out, the applian-
ce stops working and emits an acoustic signal. The display
shows and the red warning light switches on.
“CREAM” function
This function is for preparing: custard, pudding, white sauce,
Set the cooking time according to the recipe by operating the
If one does not wish to set the cooking time the display shows
the incremental time (maximum 30 minutes).
Press the start/stop (8) button to start the function. Place the
knob (9) in the slow mixing position (1-3) (g.4).
The end of cooking is signalled via the message on the
display and by an acoustic signal.
To remove the container (G) at the end of each function
switch o the appliance via the appropriate button
and remove the lid (C).
Be careful not to get burnt when opening the lid
and/or removing the container!!
In the event there is no water or it runs out, the applian-
ce stops working and emits an acoustic signal. The display
shows and the red warning light switches on.
Nota Bene
• Byplacingtheknobonposition“0”,thebladesstop.
• Ifthe“START/STOP”(8)buttonisnotpressedwithin2mi-
nutes from the setting, the appliance goes into stand-by.
• Theapplianceisequippedwithastopperhousinghole(D),
useful for pouring a few drops of avouring/essence or sea-
soning without opening the lid.
The steam cooking function allows to cook food, preserving
the proteins and vitamins contained.
Proceed as follows:
• Pourwaterintothecontainer(G)untilreachingthesteam
level marked inside the same container (g. 8) and insert it
in its place.
• Insertthesteamcookingbasket(F)(g.9)intothecontai-
ner with the food to be cooked.
• Putonthelidandcloseitbyturningitclockwiseuntilit
clicks into place (g. 1).
• PresstheI/0mainswitch(I).
Press the steam button (3). By default the display shows 0:00.
If one does not wish to set the cooking time the display shows
the incremental time (maximum 30 minutes).
• Pressthe“START/STOP”(8)buttontostartsteamcooking
(g. 10).
The numbers on the display ash until boiling point is
acoustic signal is emitted.
The countdown time or incremental time starts on the di-
The elapsed set time is signalled by the message
on the display and by an acoustic signal. The steam cooking
process is complete.
To remove the container (G) at the end of each function
switch o the appliance via the appropriate button
and remove the lid (C).
Be careful not to get burnt when opening the lid
and/or removing the container!!
In th
e event there is no water or it runs out, the appliance
stops working and emits an acoustic signal.
The display shows and the red warning light
switches on.