PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide 481
Configuring super aggregated VLANs
PowerConnect(config-vlan-104)# tagged ethernet 2/1
PowerConnect(config-vlan-104)# untagged ethernet 1/4
PowerConnect(config-vlan-104)# exit
PowerConnect(config)# vlan 105 by port
PowerConnect(config-vlan-105)# tagged ethernet 2/1
PowerConnect(config-vlan-105)# untagged ethernet 1/5
PowerConnect(config-vlan-105)# exit
PowerConnect(config)# write memory
Syntax: [no] vlan <vlan-id> [by port]
Syntax: [no] tagged ethernet [<slotnum>/]<portnum> [to [<slotnum>/]<portnum> | ethernet
Syntax: [no] untagged ethernet [<slotnum>/]<portnum> [to [<slotnum>/]<portnum> | ethernet
Use the tagged command to add the port that the device uses for the uplink to the core device. Use
the untagged command to add the ports connected to the individual clients.
Configuring aggregated VLANs on a core device
To configure the aggregated VLANs on device C in Figure 102 on page 479, enter the following
PowerConnect(config)# tag-type 9100
PowerConnect(config)# aggregated-vlan
PowerConnect(config)# vlan 101 by port
PowerConnect(config-vlan-101)# tagged ethernet 4/1
PowerConnect(config-vlan-101)# untagged ethernet 3/1
PowerConnect(config-vlan-101)# exit
PowerConnect(config)# vlan 102 by port
PowerConnect(config-vlan-102)# tagged ethernet 4/1
PowerConnect(config-vlan-102)# untagged ethernet 3/2
PowerConnect(config-vlan-102)# exit
PowerConnect(config)# write memory
Syntax: [no] tag-type <num>
Syntax: [no] aggregated-vlan
The <num> parameter specifies the tag type can be a hexadecimal value from 0 – ffff. The default
is 8100.
Verifying the configuration
You can verify the VLAN, VLAN aggregation option, and tag configuration by viewing the
running-config. To display the running-config, enter the show running-config command from any CLI
prompt. After you save the configuration changes to the startup-config, you also can display the
settings in that file by entering the show configuration command from any CLI prompt.
Complete CLI examples
The following sections show all the Aggregated VLAN configuration commands on the devices in
Figure 102 on page 479.