314 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide
Enabling port-based VLANs
Syntax: system-max mac <max-flow-MACs>
The <max-flow-MACs> parameter specifies the maximum number of MAC addresses in the MAC
table. For flow-based MACs, the minimum value is 16K and the maximum value is 32K. The
default is 16K.
Use the command show default values to display the default, maximum, and currently configured
values for the MAC address table.
Displaying information about flow-based MACs
The show mac-address command includes information related to flow-based MAC address
learning. The following shows an example show mac output.
PowerConnect# show mac
Total active entries from all ports = 15
MAC-Address Port Type Index
0000.0000.0001 1/1 Dynamic NA
0000.0000.0002 1/1 Dynamic NA
In the above example, since both MAC address entries are flow-based and are located on different
packet processors (hardware index), the Index field displays NA (not applicable).
Syntax: show mac
To display all of the packet processors that have a particular flow-based MAC address, use the
show mac-address vlan command.
PowerConnect#show mac-address vlan 1 0000.0000.0001
Total active entries from all ports = 16
MAC-Address Port Type Index
0000.0000.0001 1/1 Dynamic NA
Present in following devices (at hw index) :-
0 (8196 ) 4 (8196 )
In the above example, the MAC address 0000.0000.0001 is programmed in packet processors 0
and 4, and the hardware index is 8196.
Syntax: show mac-address vlan <vlan-num> <mac address>
Clearing flow-based MAC address entries
To remove dynamically-learned MAC addresses from the MAC table, use the CLI command clear
mac. This command clears all dynamically-learned MACs from the hardware and software MAC
Enabling port-based VLANs
When using the CLI, port and protocol-based VLANs are created by entering one of the following
commands at the global CONFIG level of the CLI.
To create a port-based VLAN, enter commands such as the following.
PowerConnect(config)#vlan 222 by port
PowerConnect(config)#vlan 222 name Mktg