1318 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide
Configuring the web authentication mode
To configure the switch to refresh passcodes at a certain time of day, enter commands such as the
PowerConnect(config-vlan-10-webauth)#auth-mode passcode refresh-type time 6:00
PowerConnect(config-vlan-10-webauth)#auth-mode passcode refresh-type time 14:30
The passcode will be refreshed at 6:00am, 2:30pm, and 0:00 (12 midnight).
Syntax: [no] auth-mode passcode refresh-type time <hh:mm>.
<hh:mm> is the hour and minutes. If you do not enter a value for <hh:mm>, by default, passcodes
will be refreshed at 00:00 (12:00 midnight). You can configure up to 24 refresh times. Each must
be at least five minutes apart.
Enter the no form of the command to remove the passcode refresh time of day.
Resetting the passcode refresh time of day configuration
If the PowerConnect switch is configured to refresh passcodes several times during the day (time of
day configuration), you can use the following comand to delete all of the configured times and
revert back to the default time of 00:00 (12 midnight).
PowerConnect(config-vlan-10-webauth)#auth-mode passcode refresh-type time
Syntax: auth-mode passcode refresh-type time delete-all
Configuring a Grace Period for an expired passcode
You can optionally configure a grace period for an expired passcode. The grace period is the period
of time that a passcode will remain valid, even after a new passcode is generated. For example, if
a five minute grace period is set and the passcode 1234 is refreshed to 5678, both passcodes will
be valid for five minutes, after which the 1234 passcode will expire and the 5678 passcode will
remain in effect.
To configure the grace period for an expired passcode, enter a command such as the following.
PowerConnect(config-vlan-10-webauth)#auth-mode passcode grace-period 5
Syntax: auth-mode passcode grace-period <value>
<value> is a number between 0 and 5 minutes. 0 means there is no grace period.
If the grace period is re-configured while a passcode is already in the grace period, the passcode is
not affected by the configuration change. The new grace period will apply only to passcodes that
expire after the new grace period is set.
Flushing all expired passcodes that are in the grace period
You can delete old passcodes that have expired but are still valid because they are in the grace
period. This feature is useful in situations where the old passcodes have been compromised but
are still valid because of the grace period. This feature does not affect current valid passcodes or
passcodes that newly expire.
To flush out all expired passcodes that are currently in the grace period, enter the following
PowerConnect(config-vlan-10-webauth)#auth-mode passcode flush-expired