116 PowerConnect B-Series FCX Configuration Guide
Building an IronStack
Use the no form of the command to revert to the 4-byte Ethernet preamble.
Verifying an IronStack configuration
Verifying an PowerConnect B-Series FCX IronStack configuration
The following output shows an example configuration of an PowerConnect B-Series FCX IronStack.
PowerConnect# show stack
alone: standalone, D: dynamic config, S: static config
ID Type Role Mac Address Pri State Comment
2 S FCX648 standby 00e0.5202.0000 0 remote Ready
3 S FCX624 member 00e0.5203.0000 0 remote Ready
4 S FCX648 member 00e0.5204.0000 0 remote Ready
5 S FCX648 member 0000.0000.0000 0 remoteReady
8 S FCX648 active 00e0.5201.0000 128 local Ready
active standby
+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+
-2/1| 8 |2/2--2/1| 4 |2/2--2/1| 3 |2/2--2/1| 2 |2/2-
| +---+ +---+ +---+ +---+ |
Current stack management MAC is 00e0.5201.0000
The next example shows output from the show version command for the same FCX stack.
PowerConnect# show version
Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.
UNIT 8: compiled on Jun 17 2009 at 06:23:29 labeled as FCX06000a359
(3578117 bytes) from Primary FCX06000a359.bin
SW: Version 7.2.0a
UNIT 2: compiled on Jun 17 2009 at 06:23:29 labeled as FCX06000a359
(3578117 bytes) from Primary FCX06000a359.bin
SW: Version 7.2.0a
UNIT 3: compiled on Jun 17 2009 at 06:23:29 labeled as FCX06000a359
(3578117 bytes) from Primary FCX06000a359.bin
SW: Version 7.2.0a
UNIT 4: compiled on Jun 17 2009 at 06:23:29 labeled as FCX06000a359
(3578117 bytes) from Primary FCX06000a359.bin
SW: Version 7.2.0a
Boot-Monitor Image size = 365257, Version:06.0.00T7f5 (grz06000)
HW: Stackable FCX648P
UNIT 2: SL 1: FCX-48G 48-port Management Module
P-ENGINE 0: type DB90, rev 01
P-ENGINE 1: type DB90, rev 01
UNIT 2: SL 2: FCX-2XGC 2-port 16G Module (2-CX4)
UNIT 3: SL 1: FCX-24G 24-port Management Module
P-ENGINE 0: type DB90, rev 01
UNIT 3: SL 2: FCX-2XGC 2-port 16G Module (2-CX4)
UNIT 3: SL 3: FCX-2XG 2-port 16G Module (2-XFP)
UNIT 4: SL 1: FCX-48G 48-port Management Module
P-ENGINE 0: type DB90, rev 01