Table A–4 Files Installed for the Forced NonBlocking Tutorial
Name Description
ACMSDI.BAS ACMSDI declarations for Visual Basic applications
FORM1.FRM GUI objects and code for the Forced Nonblocking Tutorial
main window
FORMS.BAS DECforms message code definitions for Visual Basic
FNBSAMPL.MAK Visual Basic make file for the Forced Nonblocking Tutorial
FRMLOGIN.FRM GUI objects and code for the Forced Nonblocking Tutorial
session login window
FRMRECVC.FRM GUI objects and code for the Forced Nonblocking Tutorial
receive control text window
MTEXT.BAS Declarations and code to initialize ACMSDI message text
for Visual Basic applications
NONBLK.BAS Global declarations for the Visual Basic Forced Nonblocking
Table A–5 Files Installed for the Client Services for Tru64 UNIX Systems
Name Description
acmsdi.h Include file for the TP Desktop Connector client services
forms.h Include file for DECforms
libacmsdi.a Library for TP Desktop Connector client services
net_tcpip.o TCP/IP file for TP Desktop Connector client services
ppstubs.c Presentation procedure and action routine stubs
tdms.h Include file for TDMS
Table A–6 Files Installed for the Motif Sample for Tru64 UNIX Systems
Name Description
makefile Makefile for building the sample
acmsdi.h Include file for the TP Desktop Connector client services
forms.h Sample include file with DECforms status values
help.txt Overview of AVERTZ user interface
(continued on next page)
A–4 Files Installed