Preparing to Install TP Desktop Connector
Gateway for ACMS Software
This chapter discusses the preparations and requirements necessary for
installing Compaq TP Desktop Connector gateway for ACMS software. Your
bill of materials (BOM) specifies the number and contents of your media. Be
sure to verify the contents of your kit with this information. If your kit is
damaged or incomplete, contact your Compaq representative.
The gateway software includes online Release Notes and gives you the option
of printing or displaying them during the installation procedure. Compaq
strongly recommends that you read the Release Notes before proceeding with
the installation, in case they contain important information regarding the
installation procedure.
8.1 Required Operating System Components
See the Compaq TP Desktop Connector Software Product Description (SPD)
for a complete list of required operating systems for the Compaq TP Desktop
Connector gateway for ACMS.
8.2 Prerequisite Software
The Software Product Description (SPD), a copy of which is included in the
product kit, contains a list of the prerequisite software, and a complete list of
the products that are compatible with this version of gateway software.
8.3 Installation Procedure Requirements
The installation procedure, VMSINSTAL, checks for various conditions on
your system. If VMSINSTAL detects any problems during the installation,
it notifies you of the problem and asks whether you want to continue the
installation. In some instances, you can answer YES to continue. To stop the
installation process and correct the situation, answer NO or press
Preparing to Install TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS Software 8–1