To ensure that the VR_DA_RUNTIME_SETUP.COM procedure works, change
the ID=SYSTEM to ID=[UIC], where UIC is that of the account SYSTEM; for
example, ID=[1,4]. Rebuilding the Avertz ACMS Sample
Executables are provided for the sample. You do not need to rebuild the sample
to run it. However, a DEC/MMS description file is provided for rebuilding the
sample to incorporate any changes you make to the sample.
To modify and rebuild the sample, follow these steps:
1. Copy the sample sources to another directory.
2. Use the command procedure VR_DA_BLD_MMS.COM to rebuild the
sample under a different ADB name in that directory:
a. Create the CDD directories for the AVERTZ components.
b. Define logical names.
If you are using a directory other than ACMSDI$EXAMPLES_AVERTZ
for rebuilding the sample, edit the logical name definitions in the VR_
DA_BLD_LOGICALS.COM command procedure to point to your file
and CDD directories. Make these edits before running the BLD portion
of the VR_DA_BLD_MMS.COM command procedure.
c. Perform other setup and build activities.
3. Run the command procedure VR_DA_BLD_MMS.COM without parameters:
All the setup and build activities are performed.
To perform a specific activity, specify one of the parameters in Table 7–1.
Table 7–1 VR_DA_BLD_MMS.COM Parameters
Keyword Activity
BLD Run MMS to build VR_DA_APPL
CDD Set up the CDD dictionary and directories for VR_DA_APPL
DB Create the VEHICLE_RENTALS database
7–8 Installing the TP Desktop Connector Client Services on Non-Windows Systems