Component Description
Part III: Installing the Gateway Software
Chapter 8 Explains how to prepare your OpenVMS system for installing TP
Desktop Connector gateway for ACMS software.
Chapter 9 Describes how to install the TP Desktop Connector gateway for
ACMS software and sample server-side applications and run the
Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). It also tells you how to
recover from system and installation failures.
Chapter 10 Describes postinstallation procedures that prepare the OpenVMS
system for running gateway software.
Chapter 11 Describes how to run the installation verification procedure (IVP)
separately from the installation procedure.
Part IV: Appendixes
Appendix A Lists the files that are installed on your system for the various
sample programs.
Appendix B Contains helpful hints about errors that might occur when you run
one of the sample applications.
The information in Part IV applies no matter from which CD-ROM you
installed the software.
This manual uses the following conventions:
Convention Description
TP Desktop Connector Represents the Compaq TP Desktop Connector product
Gateway Represents the Compaq TP Desktop Connector Gateway for
ACMS software.
UPPERCASE In text, the names of OpenVMS directories, commands,
logicals, and so on, are set in all capital letters.
FTP Represents the file transfer program of your choice, not
necessarily File Transfer Protocol. You can substitute any
method that works on your installation and target platforms.
italics In text, italics indicate emphasis, a product name, or the title
of a book.