Alert Ẉ
Anchor Dragging!
You will see this alert if you drift more than your specified
distance from your chosen location. Select “OK” to clear the
See “Alerts Screen” page 76 for details.
Alert ẉ
Off Course!
You will see this alert if you deviate more than your chosen
distance from your current navigational course. Select “OK” to
clear the message.
See “Alerts Screen” page 76 for details.
Alert Ẋ
Within Proximity “[specified point]”
You will see this message when you come within your chosen
distance to your chosen location. Select “OK” to clear the
See “Proximity Screen” page 78 for details.
Anchor Dragging!
Off Course!
Warning ẋ
Memory Full!
You will see this message if you try to save a waypoint when the
list is full (you can save a maximum of 500 waypoints.) Select
“OK” to clear the message. You will continue to see the message
when trying to save a waypoint until you delete one or more
waypoints from memory.
See “Waypoints” page 32 for details.
Warning Ẍ
Track Log Almost Full!
This message appears when the track log memory bank is 90%
full. Select “OK” to clear the message. The message will reappear
each time you turn on the receiver until you clear the track log or
the track log becomes 100% full (see below.)
See “Track Log
Options” page 29 for instructions on clearing the track log.
Warning ẗẖ
Track Log Full!
You will see this message when the track log memory bank is
full. The receiver will not be able to store any more track log
points until you clear the track log. Select “OK” to clear the
message. The message will reappear each time you turn on the
receiver until the track log is cleared.
See “Track Log Options”
page 29 for instructions on clearing the track log.
Memory Full!
Track Log Almost Full!
Track Log Full!
Within Proximity
“[specified point]”