
The Map Page shows your location on the relevant map and
provides information such as your speed, odometer reading or
direction of travel. You can “pan” to see more of the map in any
See page 11 for details and instructions.
The Gauges Page displays a compass and provides information
such as location, distance to a destination or accuracy in
relationship to a current navigation. The Gauges Page also includes
the direction in which you are currently traveling or the direction of
travel to your next point.
See page 20 for details and instructions.
The Trip Meter Page can display from 3 to 10 information
fields with up to 20 different types of data. These can include your
current position as well as details about the navigation in process
such as speed, time and trip odometer.
See page 22 for details
and instructions.
Map Page
Selected Point’s Details
Gauges Page
Bearing Pointer
Gauges Page
Course Pointer
Trip Meter Page
3 Fields Option
Trip Meter Page
10 Fields Option
Instrumentation Information
The GPS receiver instrumentation helps you see where you are, plan where to go, get there and then retrace your path.