Gauges Page
Gauges Page
Gauges Page
The Gauges Page displays a compass that indicates direction
of travel. It can show the direction you are currently traveling
or the direction from your current position to the next point in
your navigation.
The two data fields at the bottom can show you further
information. If a navigation is in progress, a small “hiker” icon
appears to the lower right of the compass and the name of the
next destination (plus your current distance from it) are shown to
the upper left of the display. You have various options for
customizing the display.
Menu Options
Menu Options
From the Gauges Page, press the MENU button to access the Gauges Page Menu Options.
Stop Navigation
Select “Stop Navigation” to stop your current type of navigation. One of
three screens will appear, depending on the type of navigation currently in
progress: “Stop GoTo,” “Stop Route,” or “Stop Track.” Select “OK” to
stop current navigation and return to the Map. To return to the Gauges
Page without stopping navigation, press the ESCAPE button.
Pointer Options
Choose from the following Pointer Options to set the compass gauge. The
current option is grayed out.
Bearing Pointer
Select “Bearing Pointer” to show your direction
of travel.
Course Pointer
Select “Course Pointer” to show the direction to
your next destination if navigation is in progress.
The arrows next to the pointer indicate if you are on
course, left of course or right of course. The upper right
of the display also shows how many feet off course
you are currently.