Stan dard Fea tures of the Con cept 50x (cont.)
q✔ Smart Remote Boot Release Capability — Assures that the optional remote
boot release can be activated only if the system is in its disarmed state, thus
avoiding the possibility of falsely triggering the system. This feature also
ensures that the boot release cannot be remotely activated whilst driving.
q✔ Remote Window/Sunroof Closure Capability — On certain vehicles
(including several models of Mercedes Benz, Jaguar, Volkswagen, Audi
and BMW), the integrated timer and an optional relay can be used to
automatically close the power windows and sunroof every time you
remotely arm.
q✔ QuietChirp— Whenever you desire, you may choose to lower the decibel
volume of the arm and disarm chirps to a level that is clearly audible but less
obtrusive than the full-volume chirps. All it takes is a few flicks of a switch.
q✔ User-Selectable AutoArming— Automatically arms itself “passively” if
you forget and has all these additional features:
n AutoArming En able/Dis able — You may disable or re-enable the AutoArming
feature with just a few flicks of a switch.
n AutoArm & Lock — You may set the system to automatically lock the doors
every time the system AutoArms.
n Vis ual In di ca tion— Two indicator light flashes signal that the 30-second
countdown to AutoArming has started.
n In stant AutoArm By pass — Just a quick turn of the ignition switch will bypass
AutoArming for one cycle — perfect when fueling the vehicle. AutoArming
is automatically restored the next time you park.
q✔ Patented Smart Prior Intrusion Attempt Alert — When you return to your
vehicle and remotely disarm, a special chirp and indicator light flash
sequence will audibly and visually alert you if an intrusion attempt was
foiled whilst you were away. Your Concept 50x will even identify the
specific trigger or sensor that detected the intrusion attempt.
q✔ Remote Controlled Courtesy Lighting — For your personal safety and
convenience, when you remotely disarm your Concept 50x, the interior lights
turn on and stay on until you start the engine or 30 seconds, whichever
occurs first.