
Con cept 50x is cov ered by one or more of the fol low ing Clif ford Elec tron ics U.S.A. patents:
4,158,874; 4,233,642; 4,327,444; 4,383,242; 4,430,685; 4,845,464; 4,887,064; 4,890,108; 4,922,224;
4,997,053; 5,081,667; 5,146,215; 5,157,375; 5,467,070; 5,650,744 and other pat ents pend ing.
n PLEASE NOTE: Your factory- set 4- digit valet code is noted be low. See pages 10- 11
for in for ma tion on us ing your valet code:
n If you wish to change your valet code to a dif fer ent 4- digit number, please re fer
to the ex am ple on page 11. Write your new valet code in the space be low:
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learn of your se cret valet code). As such, please keep this
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