
Ta ble of Con tents
Stan dard Fea tures of the Con cept 50x ....................... 2
Your 4- button/12- channel re mote con trols ..................... 6
How to use your key chain re mote con trol.......................6
What each but ton/chan nel does............................7
Anti- CodeGrabbing (ACG) with Ran dom Code En cryp tion............ 8
Smart prior in tru sion at tempt alert .......................... 8
How to in ter pret the chirps and in di ca tor light flashes...............9
How to in ter pret the LED status in di ca tor ...................... 9
AutoArming ......................................9
AutoArming en able/dis able ..............................9
Vis ual ac knowl edg ment ................................9
AutoArm & Lock.....................................9
In stant AutoArming by pass...............................9
Ul traSe cure Coded Valet Mode .......................... 10
To en able valet mode.................................11
To exit valet mode ...................................11
Set ting your own se cret valet code ......................... 11
Re mote con trolled valet mode en try and exit .................... 11
Key less en try in valet mode ..............................12
Sen sor ad just ment.................................. 12
Re mote con trolled over ride of one or both sen sor zones............. 12
AutoLock and Aut oUn Lock .............................12
Built- In Two- Point Auto Im mo bi liser .........................13
False Alarm Pre ven tion and FACT — False Alarm Con trol and Test .......13
Smart Au toTest ing .................................. 14
Auto matic mal func tion by pass ........................... 14
Multiple- event To tal Re call ............................. 14
Smart Powe rUp II...................................15
Smart Self- Powered Si ren with Digi tal Com Link ..................15
Un breach able Digi tal Com Link ............................ 15
Smart- charging..................................... 15
Long- term chirp si lenc ing ...............................15
Re mote con trolled chirp mut ing ...........................15
Qui etChirps (muf fled chirp sound level) ....................... 15
Auto matic low bat tery warn ing ............................15
Noise abate ment cir cuitry............................... 15
User- selectable fea tures............................... 16
Step- by- step pro gram ming in struc tions ......................16
Chang ing the re mote con trol bat tery .......................18
Add ing new re mote con trols ............................ 18
How to erase the codes of lost or sto len re mote con trols............. 18
Ta ble of user- selectable fea tures ........................19- 20